Tip of the Week: Quickly Split Text Between Columns in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a handy tool to help businesses keep their data organized… provided it has been used accurately and to its full potential. However, it isn’t uncommon for some people to cram all the information of a record into a single cell and limit the value that Excel has to offer. Once this goes on long enough, it can feel like there’s no fixing it. Let’s go over how you can, in fact, fix it.

Modern Communication Problems Require Modern Solutions

Small businesses might not be used to having high-quality or top-tier communication solutions available to them, but in today’s fast-paced business environment, they need them to keep up with the many challenges SMBs face. After all, SMBs need all the tools they can muster to outpace the competition. Let’s go over some communication tools that can help you get there.

AI is a Security Threat You Cannot Ignore

2023 was a banner year for AI (Artificial Intelligence), as it truly entered the zeitgeist in a way that it previously had failed to. Many companies and industries have considered ways to implement AI and make it part of their operations, while others might be fearful of it for its role in job scarcity. However, 2024 might show businesses that they should be worried about AI for a reason you might not have anticipated: AI-generated cyberthreats.

What You Need to Do to Qualify for Cyber Insurance

Data loss has a severely damaging impact on the businesses that suffer from it, so why not help protect your business the same way you would with other damages? Cyber insurance helps do just that, and is therefore a super helpful investment for today’s businesses to embrace. That said, just like other forms of insurance, there are certain requirements that must be met for a business to qualify. Let’s touch on some common requirements insurance providers have.

In Technology, Innovations Can Be As Important as Inventions

Today, technology stands out for its remarkable pace of growth and continuous innovation. I really mean continuous. Nearly everything that has been developed is eventually improved upon, until something new comes along and replaces it. If an improvement is good enough, especially if it is seen as indispensable, it will often transcend the initial invention. This has happened many times over the years. 

Your Data Security Hinges on Five Key Safeguards

It’s no secret that data security is of paramount importance, with phishing and ransomware making weekly appearances in the news cycle at this point. You need to prioritize your business data’s privacy. Otherwise, you’re apt to suffer from your data being accessed without authorization and all the consequences that come with this outcome. Today’s criminals are very capable, which makes it challenging to protect yourself. Here, we’ve put together some essential strategies to make it easier.

Thinking About Pushing a Return to Office? You May Want to Think Again

It’s been a few years since remote work was suddenly thrust into popularity, and in that time, remote or hybrid styles of work have become a means for businesses to return to normal operations without requiring a full return to the office. While many seem perfectly content to continue operating in this way, there are businesses that are pushing for a return to how things once were. Let’s talk about why this strategy may not be all that wise.