You Absolutely Need a Password Manager in 2024

You Absolutely Need a Password Manager in 2024

It doesn’t matter who you are; your age, your occupation, your employment status, your station in life—you need to make 2024 the year you get your cybersecurity hygiene in check. What we’re going to talk about today isn’t overkill, overly complicated, or expensive. This isn’t us trying to sell you on something. In fact, this is probably the easiest New Year’s Resolution you can give yourself. First, let me start with a really quick story.

AI is a Security Threat You Cannot Ignore

2023 was a banner year for AI (Artificial Intelligence), as it truly entered the zeitgeist in a way that it previously had failed to. Many companies and industries have considered ways to implement AI and make it part of their operations, while others might be fearful of it for its role in job scarcity. However, 2024 might show businesses that they should be worried about AI for a reason you might not have anticipated: AI-generated cyberthreats.

Your Data Security Hinges on Five Key Safeguards

It’s no secret that data security is of paramount importance, with phishing and ransomware making weekly appearances in the news cycle at this point. You need to prioritize your business data’s privacy. Otherwise, you’re apt to suffer from your data being accessed without authorization and all the consequences that come with this outcome. Today’s criminals are very capable, which makes it challenging to protect yourself. Here, we’ve put together some essential strategies to make it easier.

How to Respond to a Ransomware Attack… But We Hope You Never Have To

When it comes to ransomware, you want to do all that you can to prevent an infection rather than respond to one. Of course, this isn’t always possible, so if you are struggling with a ransomware attack, you’ll need to act quickly to keep it from spreading. Let’s go over some of the steps that you’ll need to take to come out of a ransomware attack without too much scarring.

Planning Your Technology for the Long Term

Even the best-laid plan can be disrupted, and any business needs to understand that going into these types of situations with limited knowledge is also risking the plan falling apart. Business technology needs to be cost-effective, and if you don’t have a plan, you could wind up paying far more than expected. It helps to have a professional on your side who can help you make these decisions.

To Help Prevent Ransomware and Other Threats, Trust Nothing

Ransomware is a serious issue for modern businesses of all sizes, many experiencing attacks on a fairly regular basis—and that’s before we factor in all the other cyberthreats that a business could likely have to contend with, and the fact that those responsible for these threats are getting craftier in how they spread them. Today, there’s a good argument to be made that the best approach to security is to trust no one and nothing… without verification, at the very least.